Finding Your Spark
A spark is something that that makes you feel alive. It gives you energy and purpose. A spark could be a skill, hobby, personality trait, belief, or interest. A spark comes from within- you know it when you feel it. A spark can change your life AND the lives of the people around you.
Some people already know their spark. Other people are still looking for theirs. At Teen CHARGE, one of our goals is to help students explore and develop their “spark” (or sparks!).
Not sure what your spark is? Ask yourself the following questions:
1. When do I feel most alive and useful?
2. What gives you energy and joy?
3. What gives you purpose?
Interested in discovering your spark or finding ways you can use it to make a difference? Join Teen CHARGE! Fill out an application here:
Benson, P. L. & Scales, P. C. (2009). The definition and preliminary measurement of thriving in adolescence. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(1), 95-104