5 Tips for Body Confidence
You’re on your phone scrolling through Instagram, and you find yourself looking at post after post of celebrities, models, or just people you know with the “perfect body” that you wish you had. You go to the beach with friends and find yourself wishing you looked more like them and less like you. You look in the mirror and count in your head all the flaws you see. One of these scenarios probably applies to you. With all the social media we are exposed to today you probably find yourself comparing your body or looks to someone else’s frequently. Comparison and self negativity are things so many teens struggle with today, including me. So I made a list of 5 tips that I have learned through friends, family, and some of my favorite Youtubers that I hope will help you love your body the way it is and become more confident!
- Stop comparing yourself to others
This tip is probably the hardest to do, but also the most important. Comparing yourself to friends, influencers, or models will never do anything but cause you to be less confident. No one in the entire world has the “perfect body” and no one ever will. Standards for the “perfect body” are just things that we have accepted from what society tells us. Our differences and the unique bodies we were all given make us all beautiful and make us stand out from each other. So learn to appreciate the body that you were given and don’t let someone else’s beauty take away from your own!
- Stop telling yourself negative things
Saying negative things about your body out loud or just in your head can be very damaging. Eventually, you will start to believe the things you tell yourself! It’s also damaging to say negative things about yourself to other people. If you point out your flaws, they will probably start thinking about their own flaws as well, and they may feel like they have to say something negative about themselves too. Next time you start to have a negative thought about your body, try to counter it with a positive one. Another way to get your brain on the right track is to say positive affirmations out loud. In the morning when you look in the mirror try saying a few things you like about yourself, or a few truths you want to believe. For example: “ I am worthy, I am loved, I am confident in myself.”
- Wear things you feel good in
This tip is pretty self-explanatory. If you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t make you feel good, just get rid of it! You know what you feel best in, so don’t settle for anything less. If you know a certain style of bathing suit isn’t flattering on you, don’t buy that style, even if it’s popular. Wear things that are flattering to your body type, and try out different styles so you know what is and what isn’t.
- Know that what you see on social media isn’t real life
A lot of times we feel bad about ourselves because of people we compare ourselves to on Instagram or Youtube or some other platform. But we really need to keep in mind that most pictures we see online are just the best of the best. Most people only post pictures where they’re smiling, looking their best, and having a good day. Instagram is not real life, it’s just the best of people’s lives. You don’t post pictures of yourself that you don’t like, and influencers and models usually don’t either. If you think that social media is becoming a toxic thing in your life, just take a break or delete the app! Even if it’s only for a few days or weeks, you may feel better about yourself when you come back to it or decide to never go back at all!
- Surround yourself with people who boost your confidence
The friends you choose for yourself influence your life in many ways, and one of those could be the way you see yourself. If the people you chose to hang out with are making negative comments about your body, you need to confront them, and if they don’t change their ways, it may be time to step away from them. No one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself, and if someone is, you have the power to make them stop or move away from them. Your opinion about yourself is the most important, but sometimes other people’s opinions about us are the ones we dwell on. So it is very important that the people in your life are helping build your confidence and not tear it down.
Written by Emily L, Teen CHARGE Brand Rep